Posts tagged with ‘sf’

  • Book cover: showing a honeycomb-like structure made out of root fibers, resembling a grid that spreads and breaks into a more chaotic, web-like pattern. Text reads 'Edited by Indrapramit Das, Deep Dream, Science Fiction Exploring the Future of Art, New Stories by, Vajra Chandrasekera, Bruce Sterling, Cassandra Khaw, Lavie Tidhar, Samit Basu

    New Anthology: Deep Dream (MIT Press)

    Out 8 October, my first science fiction anthology (as editor), for The MIT Press‘s ‘Twelve Tomorrows’ series, Deep Dream:...

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    Kali_Na / Year’s Best Science Fiction Vol. 1

    Honoured that my novelette ‘Kali_Na’, from Navah Wolfe & Dominik Parisien’s THE MYTHIC DREAM, will be in Jonathan Strahan’s THE YEAR’S BEST SCIENCE...

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    New Story: Incarnate

    Avatars Inc ( is a free online sf anthology in the form of a ‘memory archive’ of telepresence robots...

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    Brief Thoughts: Tade Thompson’s Rosewater

    I got the same frisson of discovery reading Tade Thompson’s ROSEWATER as I did reading William Gibson’s NEUROMANCER so...


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